Every so often, I seem to get lucky, and discover a special hiking place. To my great joy, that happened recently. A friend pointed out Mineral Springs Trail. What a wonderful surprise it turned out to be. It was nearby. How could I not have discovered it before? Well, I’ve hiked it several times now. I find myself enjoying it more and more each time. Each time I seem to discover something new, perhaps a different plant starting to bloom, a bird’s nest, a blooming cactus, a blooming yucca, a pattern of growing plants that informs me about their strategy for survival. Many wonderful things to discover and appreciate. We even found the actual Mineral Springs, which apparently is an old mine shaft. One of the very special parts of the trail is what I call the Chocolate Rock Canyon. Here are a few shots.

Mineral Springs Trail with White Sands in the distance.

Closer to the top

Let’s start at the beginning!

Now you see those chocolate rocks! Did you notice The Lady of the Mountain on the horizon?

So many beautiful desert plants! I’ll bet that Strawberry Cactus will be a beauty when it blooms!

A beautiful, easy to see and use pathway through the desert!

Now I look up and see that the clouds have parted enough to give us a turquoise treat!

I turn around, always a smart thing for a photographer or hiker to do, you don’t want to miss anything, and I see the lovely shades of blue in the sky over White Sands.

More of those beautiful Chocolate Rocks, but maybe a storm approaching?

Getting back to the business of hiking and photographing!

What is more eye catching? The Chocolate Rocks or the turquoise blue sky?

Looks like I’ve come to an end point. Will have to climb out or retrace my steps.

Finally made it to a high place. I believe we are looking at Indian Wells Canyon. I saw some Big Horn Sheep climbing up the mountain side. What a treat! The trail seems to continue off in the distance. I will have to explore that some day! What discoveries are ahead!

And the view behind!