Seeing With the Eyes of the Heart

The Earth is telling us her story and we are looking, watching, and learning how to see. From a wide, expansive vista on the horizon, full of many nuances of color, light, and form. And on, to each small green shoot breaking its way through the hard soil, beginning its journey toward becoming a beautiful flower, a fruit, and food for a creature, a seed, debris to nourish the Earth. We participate in a cycle of discovery and growth.

On the way we photographers feel called to record these impactful moments of our observation, our sometimes emotional and spiritual interaction with the landscape, people, structures, and events. We are compelled to record and share.

These photographs are my story. I feel a deep connection to this gorgeous state of New Mexico.  An inaudible calling to be present, to observe the life forms, to feel the energy, to compose an image that attempts to convey the spirituality of the place so that others may also be enriched as I am.

Think of all the places you yearn to visit to get some peace of mind, some rest, or even rejuvenation. Images of those kinds of places are what I most like to capture and share with everyone.  I hope these images will remind you of just those kinds of places. When you see these images, you may even resolve to take a journey of rediscovery and peaceful rest.

Being in the outdoors, hiking and enjoying the landscape have long been among my favorite activities. I find myself getting lost in the world of the camera viewfinder as I look through and compose an image to keep. It is a relaxing feeling of being transported to special places. The beauty of this place, the state of New Mexico, is just simply captivating!

Prior awards, earned while I was a resident of California, include:—My photograph of an old building at the Humboldt Bay Wildlife Refuge CA was accepted in the juried process at the Humboldt County CA Fair of 2011.—My photograph, entitled Ma’le’l North, won a cash award in the Redwood Art Association Eureka CA 2012 New Year Exhibit.—Another photograph, Through The Fog, was accepted in the Redwood Art Association 2012 Spring juried Exhibit and displayed in the Morris Graves Museum.—The Marsh won the Best Photo Landscape award at the RAA 2013 Spring Exhibit.—Cold Stream was accepted in the 2014 North West Eye juried exhibit at the Morris Graves Museum.—My photographs titled Grace and Prairie were accepted in the Humboldt County juried process for the 2014 County Fair.—I was invited to show my work with four other women photographers at Swanlund’s F Street Foto Gallery Eureka CA in July and August 2014.—Ma’le’l North 2 won a cash award in the Redwood Art Association 2015 New Year Exhibit.—Damnation Creek was accepted in the Humboldt County juried process for the 2016 County Fair.